Monday, March 8, 2010

I have water and so much more

I watched a documentary last night called "Water Wars"
It was very enlightening to say the least and achieved in scaring the crap out of me.
I will not go off on a rant about water conservation or saving the environment or how in 50 years the world will be without any clean water sources. All of these I believe in, but what concerned me most about the documentary was to once again learn of the power, money and corruption that exists far to much in this world has so much to do with the rapid depleting of our fresh water. Added to the saddness of the thousands plus that die everyday for lack of the simplest of things we take for granted and I was left feeling angry and depressed.
I couldn't even tell you how many times I flush the toilet, wash my hands, or get a glass of water a day - and I (we) don't even think twice about it.
There are people who knowingly drink from ecoli infested water cause they have no other sources, homes burn down, people even kill each other over a few drops of water.
I complain about so many nonsense things every day like - having to make my lunch for work, calls from telemarketers, co-workers that get on my nerves, having to pay my car payment, not wanting to go to Wal-mart..... believe me, I could go on.
The point is - I have food in my fridge to make my lunch, I actually have a phone, I have a good job, I have a car, I have the luxury and the money to be able to go to Wal-mart. If I break things down and look at others, I really have nothing to complain about, and I definately have never thought twice about what a luxury clean, fresh water is. I (we - whoever is reading this) are soooo forunate and we don't even know it.
I am reminded daily of how fortunate I am everyday I look at my little girl. I have a health, gorgeous, smart daughter, and that alone is enough to keep me thankful everyday of my life.
As much as I complain and find fault in all things around me she keeps me grounded. Tonight I painted her nails a bright pinkish-orange, and that was the highlight of her day, and that 5 minutes it took me to do that for her made her feel so special. All I could think the whole time I was painting her nails was about all the other helpless little girls in the world that don't have a mother or probably don't even know what nail polish is, and if I continue to think more on all the things the helpless children in the whole don't have (including water) I will start to cry again.
I am lucky and thankful and hope I never forget that and learn to stop taking simple things for granted.

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