Friday, February 19, 2010

Things that make you go hmmm....

Often people will say things to you that you either have no response for or you are better served by just keeping your mouth shut.
For example -
"Hey, I had dream about you last night and it was crazy, it in we were together and..." (I got this one from my UPS guy and a co-worker.
from a co-worker "Man, you don't look like you feel very good" (can't even remember how many times I've gotten this one)
"did you do something different with your hair" followed by an "Oh." then nothing else. (this is often said with a scrunched i-don't-like-it face)

"It's great to see you! it's been a long time, looks like you've put on a little weight"... pause "I mean, you look great!"
"Ahh, when's the baby due?" or "is it a boy or a girl" (most infurriating cause you know you're not pregnant! and yes, this did happen to me, but only once)
and last,
the creepiest one I've ever gotten was when I was pregnant and at Walmart and I ran into this guy I had met at work cause he filled in a day when our normal mail delivery guy was off. Anyways, we say the normal howdy-do's, then he just out of nowhere starts going on and on about how beautiful he thought I was and how he thinks
that pregnant women are sooo sexy and it's the glow we get when we're pregnant and how he loves big women and how my husband must be sooo hot for me..... I had no idea what to say or do, so I just let him finish, said thanks but I'm late for work, then quickly turned and walked away.
I mean, SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!!! What are you thinking!!!!

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