Saturday, February 13, 2010

Something to Believe In

I just finished watching "The Time Travelers Wife" and I am still wiping the tears from my cheeks as I type this entry.
It was a beautifully enchanting love story and it leaves my feeling empty but full of hope.

The sadness is that I know what love is - full, unrelenting giving of yourself, the warmth and comfort of feeling safe and wanted, and the knowledge that even on the worst of days you can come home to open arms that will wrap around you and make everything ok again.

The hope I feel is knowing that I do know what real love is. And though I was blinded into making myself think and stay for too long with someone who was never going to be good enough to or for me, I know it will happen.

I have this fairytale dream that there's this wonderfully, slightly flawed man out there waiting to find me; and one day we will meet by chance and something in his eyes or the sound of his voice will trigger an old memory from a past or future life in which we were the best of lovers who completed the other's puzzle. Yes, I know I'm a cheesy romatic, but I can't help it. There is so much drama and awefulness in today's world that maybe it could use a few more people like me who believe in simple love and fairytale endings.
I've never, never considered myself an optomist nor do I think anyone who knows me would use that word to describe me, but I believe people can change for the better if they really want to. And if everyone could take all their good and reach out and spread it around like an intoxicating, infectious virus - then can you image the effects? I can, I'm a believer.

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